CAs are FINALLY over!
Can slack! hahahaha.
today woke up,
bathed, went to school.
Reena aint feeling well.
she has flu. :X
i pity herr.):
aghhh. blogger.. still wierd. XD
cant change colour of words.
damn it.
school was slackish todayyyy. ;D
aft CAs history, half a period,
then lit,
cher absent,:X
cher absent,:X
cher PRESENT. :D
&now i am bck in the comforst of my home. (:

thts all for now,

LOl! my blog is seriosly screwedd. >:/ ahhh. cant get the damn thing to workk. shit. anw, geog timed assignemnt is fanlly over so can chill ABIT. but, CA next week. stoopiid CAs. UGHHH. must revise like hell these few days manzxzxz. loll. anw, i hv this malay projectt, and like my group members, fardiana, fatin & nadiah , cam to my house to film. me scnene was hilarious can? hahaha. i cry till like what sia. (: haa. then, did guides badge, did hw, studied geog & went outside for awhile. (: haa. now, currently doing 400 lines as what my music teacher asked us to do cos we were latee. >:/ serve me right for taking my own sweet time. haahha. thts all for know. going to do home ec later and do up my guides badges. (:
byes. <3

HARLLLOOOO everybody. i know tht i have not been posting much. and well my dashboard is kinda srewed. ;X so ya... sleptover at li zhen`s & Lina`s house on saturday. my mum and dad were at malaysia for like four dayss.. so me, reena & my maid were left at home.hahaha. funfunfun. so anw, bck to satuday, i went to parkway with thm.. played hide & seek in PP. cos we was like freaking bored.. haha. then, went to eat at fish&co. haahaha. laughed like madd. ;D went to my house to take my PJS, toothbrush & books. hahaha. realised tht i left my wallet at fich & co. shit. was worried, all though i didnt seem worried. haha. ;D the worst part is there was my bus card in it. hahah. good thing is tht there was ONLY 15 cents in it. hahaha. (: reached lo zhen`s house. played pictionaryy, monopoly. then. slept. wah.. we ALL so freaking exhausted cos like, play hide&seek till cannot walk. haha.;D next day woke up. lina & reena`s chattering woke me up. >:/ hahaha. ;D then our chattering woke li zhen up. so all of us wer FINALY awake... it was abt 8 plus then. aft which li zhen`s cousin brought us to mac. hahaha. happyhappy. we went to the one at east coast.;D aft eat finish, we went to marina barrage. ;D we wanted to cycle so, went bck to east coast. -.- cycled for like 1 hour plus.. then, wanted to go home, instead wenr parkwayy.. got bck my wallet. ;D haahah haappyhappy. then went bck to their house.. maid came, had to go home. so reached home at abt 4 plus?ya..tts abt it..
byebye. ;D


To trust someone means you trust them with your life.
To trust someone is based on your clarity of judgement.
To trust is to believe that the person has you 100%.
To trustTo trust.
Who could you trust in your greatest moment in need?
Who will be worthy of having your trust?
Will you be able to confide your trust among certain people?

*Advice - Put your trust in a person who isn't a backstaber, liar, thief, gossiper, negative influence, pressured person. Think before you act. if not you WILL regret it i tell you.

-second post for todayy. ;D

Damn you.
To this special someone:

You irritate me to the core..
You always want to be the best,
you must always win.
And i mean i know it is good to be competitve,
but dont you think that being a little too compettive is
when you do well, what do ppl do?
-congragulate you.
when they do better than you, what do you do?
-sulk, dont talk to tht personn.
You complain abt evrything,
you dont ever listen to what others have to say.
& you over react abt everything.
this why ppl dont wanna tell you the truth, K?
coss when they tell you smth tht isnt tht great abt you,
what do you do??
OVER REACTT! Worst part is tht you BULLY kids who are younger than you.. i dont think it is rightt..Ppl,Dont misunderstand this.please dont misunderstand,thinking its you,when you did nothing wrong,i wont blame you if you did nothing wrong,use your common sense.

i am done with you mann.


Harlo evryone. :D I finally changed my blog skinn. (: i also... re-did my links. YIPEE! alott of things have been accomplished this week. ;D which is good news..so school STARTED this week. q: HAHA. :D on mondayy, it was like, total slacking time... -.- srsly, first two periods, H1N1 stuffs, then RECESS!! after which it was maths for like 15 minutes only?-.- then 30 mins free period kinda thing. q: next, ART, mdm seah NVR COME! hahaha. :D so slacked, for like abt 2 whole periods? LOLLOL. next was.....LEGACY! slacked more.. only this RACIAL HARMONY day thingyy.

After that went home!! hahaha. :D best day of school ever.!HAHA. q: Tues, wed,thurs all normal. (: HAHA. :D NO guides todayy. (: tts all for now..