Wow! ia m so proud of these to munchkins. lols. they BOTH became junior prefects. :] well done girls!! they are cheeky at times okayy maybe all the time. lols. but i am sooooo proud of them.
grats the two of you. although you will never be reading this i am still so proud...
okayy.. enough about them. i am so sorry for not updating for sooo long. and noooo my blog aint dead. lols.
march holidays coming.. soo fast man. seriously. going to nadia and nadiah's house. cant wait. :) now school is more of projects and stuff like that. not exactly worksheets. :) yay!!!
oh ya, thanks nadiah for the plastic folders. :) do you notice i change favourite smiley face every week?? weird aint it?? i just realised it.
last week was: :] this week is : :) the week before last it was : =) weirdddddd.. lols.
i think that is all i am going to post today. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDD
well done once again girls. :)

okayyy.. hapy belated vday ppl!!!!! cas are coming liike real soon. must: study, study, S-T-U-D-Y. i cant slack. seriously cant.

tmr there is the maths ca.. wots been studying all weekend. but i am taking a break now. :DD all aork no play makes jack a dull boy... my mum is always saying that. lols.

i talked with anna on the phone ytd. sshe said that she MAYBE going for speech day. lols. i hope she does. but i know that lizhen is going. -just to accomapny me!!

thanks lizhenn!! you are the best.. i wanna go swimming. but that is only possible ater cas.. arghhh. soo many subjects, i guess i just have to study hard.

but i betchs it is worth it. lols. :DDD oh ya, ytd i had my first gg sesion. it was okayyy.. i guess. miss aliah is in charge. heh.

first part wasnt soo fun. but after that it was better. at least it is not as bad as NPCC. i mean to me it is not as bad. *no offence to anyone who is NPCC*

why oh why cant i move into the new house earlier. i soo hyper about it.. haha.

i have ot go and eat my lunch now.. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! =DDDDDD:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

hi ppl!!! iam so hyper today!! dunnoe why-again. -.- during P.E. had gymnastics thingy. it was awesome! i cant believe that i can do a backward roll!!

my group members are: elizabeth,zann and sarah.nadia injured her back while doing the back roll. can't wait for next week's lesson!!!

woooots!! tmr there is gg timed asignment. open boook soo not that bad. oh ya tmr is the......

cca results for those who appeal out of their cca. lols. i appealed for interact club. hope i get in but i am okay with gg.

oh ya. i have got to give my angel her letter. remember,remember, R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R. haha. oh ya and i found out that some of my friends are going to the speech day thingy.

cant wait to see them. you know when some one mentuons the two words new house' i will get all hyper. lols. -.-''

cos.. i cant wait to move into my new house. my best friend is moving to eunos on 1st march. then i will be moving somewhere there.

woooots!!!! but i am moving in october. soo yeah.. late rights?? lols.okayy i gotta goo byeeeeee!! =DDDDDDDDD =)))))))) :DDDDDDD :)))))))

hi everybody!!!!! i dont know why, just feel happy. i got guides as my cca.. woooots!! i am kinda of happy. but i also wanted to join interact club.

cos.. i think that it will help me boost my confidence. heh. really hope i get in. guides will be fun to i guess?

at least i will get to be with my fellow guides, samantha and jessica. woooots!! unless they appeal out then i will be alone. haizz......

most of my seniors are in interact club. and seems really fun. anyways.... it is another 50++ days till my birthday. ._.

woootttssss!! my father said he is gonna get me a ______. but let's just wait and seee...... -.-i wanna go back to my school for speech day. lols. i wanna see all my fwens....

but... none of them going. as in my close fwensss. except for one. :] the next two weeks are CA weeks. ahhhhhg!!!!!!

i like all my my teachers this year. lols. oh ya, ny mum said that i can rebond my fringe during the march hols.. woooooootttttsssss!!!!!!

okayy.. this is my favourite colour. as i have mentioned in the previous posts. lols. diao. -.- ooooohh, i have to go now. i wanna play badminton liao. :] byeeeeeeee!!!!! (:

okayy... i am ony posting cos ppl asking me to. very sien leh. -.-'' happy??? i have been having school for the past few weeks.

one word- FUNN!!!!! :DDDDD my fringe getting more and more horrible. lols. my good friend, siti nadiah, rebonded her hair. she looks very good with the new look. :DDDDDD

okayy. she asked me and nadia how she would look and we said not that great. nadiah. now you know... dont come to me for advise on looks. lols.

okayy.. why am i starting like almost every paragraph with an 'okayy'?? wierdddddddd.. lols. -.-''

tmr got lss test!! ahh!!! eh, got sooo many CA. next week i have 3 on the SAME day!! aggghhh!!rrrr.. i am gonna get who came up with dates!! jkjk.

okayy.. see lah? i did it again. okayy that's all for today. byeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD